As I 'find' them I will post them.
Here are a few that I have come across.
Liz Claiborne sandals in pretty nice shape. $4.00
Great white (sounds like I should say shark next) Kenneth Cole slip-ons. $5.00
NOTE: I do not know if these shoes are 'in style' as I am not a vogue-kinda-girl.
I just like what fits.
And has a price in my budget (which is pretty tight.)
(I will do a financial blog at a later time. Right now I have to go spend money.)
Although it may appear so, I also am not an Imelda Marcos.
"I do not have three thousand pairs of shoes, I had one thousand and sixty."~Imelda Marcos
Having cleared that up, I want to show you another find.

I know shoes again!
These are my athletic shoes, although I would never think of
using them for any athletic event.
Except riding the stationary bike for two-and-a-half minutes at physical therapy.
A total of six times!
One does need to look sharp in order to heal properly.
I had the "Secret" going on with these shoes.
I had seen women with a similar style of Skechers last year.
I wanted them but not for the $59.00 the Mall was asking.
So I just 'wished' to find some and I did.
They were practically brand new so still look good eight months later.
And for only $5.00!
And just so you do not think all I buy is shoes, here is a household item.
Actually two-of-a-kind. (No we are not in Vegas.)
I had never heard of a Rowenta before and after I priced them I understood why.
I am a Target, $14.99 (cheaper on sale) Black and Decker iron owner, not a $50.00 plus gal. (I would rather wear wrinkles than make them from worrying about spending so much money.)
So I did the "Secret" thing again and found these!
And the best part is, is that one was $5.00 and the other $6.00.
How could I refuse such a deal so I bought them both!
I will buy one of those Rowenta's from you for double what you paid!!