"Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!"~Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Thinks You Can Think!
Today I learned about a couple of new, boy-made, hand-held gadgets.
One is the Oldenator.
It makes you get older and taller. What a combination! That's like Benjamin Button in Manute Bol's body.

The other is the Fatenator. I was surprised. It isn't really like what it sounds. When it hits you it makes you stronger. But it doesn't work on girls-unless you really like them. (I'd be suspicious of a guy that wants a girl to be stronger than he is...)
FYI- If the Fatenator hits something that's not alive, it makes it fat.Is that what happened here?

"Perhaps imagination is only intelligence having fun.~George Scialabba
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