But there was something more this friend did not know.
Yes, it is correct that I more than love chocolate, but the truth is, is that I would not ever buy these for myself.
You see, they are an "indulgence", something I would not invest in. At least not for me. (Although I have not had a problem ingesting quite a few given a public, open-ended opportunity.)
I was so touched by the gesture that it emotionally moved me. You see, I realized that hiding beyond the packaging, between the finely wrapped cocoa, was a lesson which would last much longer than the delectables themselves.
It made me question, 'Why does it take someone else to see and recognize our value?,
To see that it is o.k. and even important to add richness to life?, To once in a while pamper ourselves with something we would not do otherwise?, To give ourselves loving attention?, To not need a reason to celebrate?'
So often we, mainly women, will not take time to look beyond the packaging of our outward appearance and see the real value to what lies inside. Inside our hearts and souls, where maybe not many people get to really see and partake of. We do not share the richness of our lives because we it keep stored away, not ever indulging our spirits, that honors who we really are. We instead are reserved, only bringing ourselves out for special occasions which usually are for someone elses needs.
But isn't living "special occasion" enough? Is not every day a day to celebrate our arrival into this home we call life?
Because of this lesson, I hope to continue not only being a connoisseur of chocolate, but of a very rich, sweet life! Thank you, my friend!
"Do not doubt the goodness in you. It is inappropriate." ~Dodinsky, www.dodinsky.com
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